Review: Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead
Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg My rating: 5 of 5 stars Sandberg's experiences, thoughts, and pontifications regarding women as leaders in today's job market are relevant and insightful. As a woman who is trying to find a job after staying home to have and raise a baby, I found some of her recommendations regarding how women should use language in a job hunt to be helpful. Some of the statistics were quite shocking and disillusioned me a bit. For instance, she talked about a striking salary penalty many women pay for choosing to leave work for home for even just 1 - 3 years. (Yikes.) It's helped me reassess a few things as I've been looking for gainful employment. I also liked her call to action for supervisors and leaders to make adjustments in how they conduct business and meetings so as to give women more opportunities for equal representation. Overall I found it to be more engaging and interesting than I thought it wou...